Performance Management Forms

Performance management forms help you keep track of your own behaviors concerning the things you are doing and not doing to improve the performance of your direct reports.

We do not recommend you buy off-the-shelf generic forms, because they do not necessarily tie in with the particular circumstances of your organization.

On the contrary, your company’s specific conditions must dictate the required features of your own forms in order to align your employees’ behaviors and results with your company’s strategy.

However, there are general guidelines that you can follow in order to help you build reliable performance management forms for your company.

As an introductory suggestion, here we offer you a checklist of the items we consider fundamental that must be included in any performance management form.

Performance Management Forms Checklist

1) You always grow your people when you do performance management (this guideline is fundamental – it is key in performance management).

2) You always focus on facts when you do performance management – in other words, you always focus on performance (behavior plus results).

3) You always are aware of the relationship between human processes and content (the results you get paid for to deliver) when you do performance management.

4) All the positions under your responsibility have updated job descriptions (aligned with your organization’s current strategy), and each job description clearly spells out its specific functions.

5) There is a match between your direct reports’ skills (both, hard skills and soft skills) and the functions of their corresponding job descriptions.

6) When the performance of a direct report is below standards, you are able to tell if your employee cannot do it, or if your employee doesn’t want to do it.

7) If your employee cannot do it, you know what to do.

8) If your employee doesn’t want to do it, you know what to do.

9) You set effective goals.

10) You provide documented feedback in an ongoing basis.

11) You are well aware of the four types of feedback, and you know how to take full advantage of this powerful tool.

12) You know what are the main factors that play a role in the motivation of your employees.

13) You know what to do to retain talent.

14) You delegate.

15) Within and inside the team under your responsibility (your direct reports and you):

  • You have created an atmosphere of trust
  • You have created a communication open environment
  • Candor is an element of your team’s culture
  • You consistently use conflict as a creative force

    16) You know how to evaluate performance and what tools to use.

    17) You know how to conduct performance review discussions.

    18) You know how to discipline your employees.

    19) All your performance management activities are 100 per cent aligned with your company’s mission, values, and strategy.

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    There must be hundreds of forms – or performance management scorecards, or whatever you want to call them – and probably there should be as many performance management forms as there are organizations.

    Companies’ conditions, competitive environments, strategies, etc., are very diverse and their particular needs are very different.

    If the forms of all these companies truly match the specific requirements of their corresponding organizations, it is very unlikely that we are going to find very many forms that are identical to each other.

    However, this is a guideline that at least, it will help you in getting started in building an effective performance management form for your organization.

    To keep on learning about performance management, go back to the previous page ( or click here ), and continue reading in a sequential order.

    If you would like your organization to learn about performance management forms through our speaking or consulting services, please click on this link.

    Good Leadership Skills

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